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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Review & Giveaway: Sonic Alert - Skull Alarm Clock

Taken from Sonic Alert website:
Sonic Alert specializes in alert products that are geared for the hearing impaired and hard to wake. We strive to provide you with high quality, reliable products.
Product list:
Travel clocks, desktop clocks, combination clocks, & accessories.
Corded phones, cordless phones, specialty phones, & emergency connect.
Loops & bluetooth, personal listening, & amplifers.

Falcon's Thoughts:
I was giving a chance to review a Sonic Alert product and I picked to do a skull alarm clock. The clock looks really cool as it has a skull on the top of the clock. When the alarm goes off his flash red and when it is not going off the light stay red in his eyes. Also the alarm come with a little round box that goes under your pillow or mattress so that when the alarm goes off the bed will shake so you know it is time to get up. This is ideal for a person that is hard of hearing as my nephew is. When he was at my house, we put him in the room with the alarm clock for the simple reason we had to be up early the next morning. My nephew is 75% deaf and takes a long time to get up in the morning, so I thought I would try this out a bit. It worked very well, he got up with no problem, he said he hear it plan as day. When he said that his mom began to cry because she thought she would never hear her son say them words. So if you have a family member that has a hear loss, then check out Sonic Alert.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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